How do I play Go Go Bingo?

Go Go bingo is a bit like normal bingo, but with some fun differences. The aim of the game = get a full house to win a cash prize!

Go Go prize money varies from a few quid to thousands of pounds. Some games have jackpots to win as well, and you could win cash up to a massive £25,000 on top of the normal prize money!

You can play Go Go Bingo during bingo intervals, either on traditional Go Go boards or on your touchscreen. Most Go Go games are just 50p or £1 to play. Listen carefully to the Presenter - they might give you a square for free, before the game officially starts. Give it a go (go) because we know you’ll love it!

On touchscreen - the easy way
1.    Tap Go Go Bingo and you’ll see up to 8 boards you can play. Listen out for multi-board discounts!
2.    Tap the board(s) you want and they’ll light up to show they’re in play.
3.    Tap anywhere on the screen after each number is called to mark the numbers off. 
4.    Hit Claim and shout loudly when you win!

On a board - the traditional way
1.    Grab the Go Go board from next to your seat (check the board number matches your coin slot number).
2.    Pop money into the coin slot to bring your top “A board” into play.
3.    If you want to play the “B board” as well as the A board, put enough money in for both boards then press the Claim button.
4.    Fancy playing for a jackpot? It’s just 10p to 50p! Put the money into the coin slot then press the jackpot button.
5.    Uncover all the squares on your board(s) so you can see your numbers. You’ll notice that you won’t have every number on your board in this game.
6.    When the game begins, simply listen to the numbers and colours and cover the ones you have.
7.    Hit the Claim button on your coin slot and shout loudly when you win! 

Tip: you can’t join a Go Go game after it’s already started, so make sure your board(s) is in play before the game begins. If you try to join after the 3rd number your credit will carry over onto the following game. 

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