Meaning of Names Day



What does your name mean? We’ve all got one and we all use or hear it multiple times every day. However, have you ever stopped to think about what’s behind it? Well, some people have. Onomatologists focus their careers on looking into the meaning of names and where they come from.

But it’s not just Onomatologists who can study this fascinating subject. You can go to, enter your name and learn about its origin, related titles, its popularity, and a whole lot more. Now, it’s worth noting that the origins of all words, not just names, are often a little unclear. For example, if you enter ‘Portia’, you’ll get mixed results including ‘an offering’, or ‘a brave young woman’.

So, you can never be 100% certain that an explanation is definitive. Fortunately, that’s part of the fun! When there’s a bit of uncertainty and speculation, you can go off in different directions and find weird and wonderful explanations for certain names. That’s what “Learn What Your Name Means Day” is all about. On March 8, everyone is encouraged to look into the origins of their name and others. It’s a bit of fun and can reveal some fascinating facts.

The Best Slot Names And What They Mean
Naturally, being connoisseurs of bingo and casino games, we wanted to look at some of the more light-hearted names in our industry. We know, of course, that bingo calls are unique phrases. However, there’s just as much entertainment value in the slots arena. From our research, here are two of the funniest slot names and what they mean:

The Hand of the Midas
This title is great because plays on the phrase “the Midas touch”, which links back to King Midas and his ability to turn anything he touched to gold. In the slots world, that would be a great skill to have.

Super 7s
This isn’t the only slot with 7 in its name. The preference for this number among slot developers links to the idea that 7 is a lucky number. Opinions are split on why it’s regarded as lucky. However, a lot of people link it to the number of days in a week.

That’s two great slot names and what they mean, but there are thousands more. When March 8 spins around, make sure you take some time out to review your own name and some of those that stand out in the Buzz Bingo lobby!